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Nawaloka Hospital & Nawaloka Institute of Healthcare Partners with Disque Foundation: A United Effort to Save Lives

At Nawaloka Hospital & Nawaloka institute of Healthcare, our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare is unwavering. We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with the Disque Foundation's "Save a Life" initiative, a collaboration aimed at equipping our community with essential life-saving skills. This partnership marks a significant milestone in our journey to enhance emergency preparedness and improve patient outcomes.

The Power of Partnership

The Disque Foundation is renowned for its dedication to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to save lives. Their "Save a Life" initiative focuses on providing comprehensive training in CPR, First Aid, and other critical emergency response techniques. By joining forces, Nawaloka Hospital and the Disque Foundation are poised to make a profound impact on community health and safety.

Why This Partnership Matters

Enhanced Emergency Preparedness: Our collaboration with the Disque Foundation will helps the broader community with access to world-class emergency response training. This training is crucial for ensuring that individuals are prepared to act swiftly and effectively in emergency situations.

Community Empowerment: By offering training programs to the public, we aim to empower community members with the confidence and skills to respond to medical emergencies, ultimately saving more lives.

Improved Patient / Students Outcomes: Rapid and effective emergency response can significantly improve patient outcomes. Through this partnership, we are investing in the health and safety of our patients and the community at large.

Key Initiatives

As part of this partnership, we will be rolling out several key initiatives:

1. Comprehensive Training Programs

We will be conducting a series of CPR and First Aid training sessions led by certified nstructors from the Disque Foundation. These sessions will be available to our hospital staff, students, and the general public, ensuring widespread access to vital life-saving skills.

2. Community Outreach and Education

Our joint efforts will include community outreach programs aimed at raising awareness about the importance of emergency preparedness. We will be hosting workshops, seminars, and informational sessions to educate the public on how to respond effectively in emergencies.

3. Integration of Training into Hospital & Institute Protocols

We will be integrating the Disque Foundation's training programs into our hospital & Institute protocols, ensuring that all our medical staff are equipped with up-to-date emergency response skills. This initiative will enhance the overall quality of care provided at Nawaloka Hospital and Institute of Healthcare.

Celebrating Our Partnership

To kick off this exciting partnership, we will be planning to send feature demonstrations of CPR and First Aid techniques, testimonials from individuals who have benefited from the Disque Foundation's training, and opportunities for attendees to sign up for upcoming training sessions.

We believe that it will help to reach the goal of empower 10 million people by 2025.

Looking Ahead

Our partnership with the Disque Foundation is just the beginning. We are committed to continuously improving our emergency response capabilities and expanding our training programs to reach as many people as possible. Together, we can create a safer, healthier community where everyone is equipped to save lives.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Disque Foundation for their collaboration and support. Their xpertise and dedication are invaluable, and we are honored to work alongside them in this life-saving endeavor. To our community, we encourage you to take advantage of these training opportunities and join us in our mission to save lives.